Welcome to Cultus Lake Community School

Cultus Lake Community School is a “family-friendly” learning place that is situated only 8 minutes from Vedder Crossing.   

Visit our website often to learn about the School Programs we have to offer and the Extra-Curricular Activities happening. You may also want to check the Calendar for up to date news and events. 

We believe that cooperation and respect are important when working, learning and playing together.  We  hope that our quality school programs will help your child to develop: solid skills and a positive attitude leading to academic excellence; confidence and self-esteem; creative thinking and problem-solving skills and self-reliance and confidence.

Cultus Lake Community School is a great school with much to offer our students and their families:

  •  a school-wide focus on improving students’ literacy and numeracy skills
  •  school successes related to social responsibility
  •  an on-site, licensed care program providing before and afterschool care
  •  a Strong Start Centre for pre-schoolers and their families
  •  a  wide range of special events, spirit days and other activities 
  •  a dedicated Parent Advisory Council


The Chilliwack School District has moved to a centralized, electronic registration system. Our schools no longer accept paper registration forms. This online process provides parents and guardians an option to register their child at any time, even over the summer break. This includes registration for K - 12, French Immersion and out of catchment requests. You will be required to:

1.      Provide a valid email address
2.      Upload a copy of the child’s birth certificate
3.      Upload proof of residency

To register at Cultus Lake Community School or any school in SD33 please click here!

For more information and FAQ, please visit ​SD33 - Registration or email ereg@sd33.bc.ca

Outdoor Place Based Learning Programs

Outdoor place based learning is a focus and teaching philosophy in our school. Place-based education promotes learning that is local and considers the unique history, environment and culture of Cultus Lake. It recognizes and uses students’ own “place” or immediate schoolyard, neighbourhood, town or community.

Outdoor  and community locations in the local communities of Cultus Lake, Soowhalie and Columbia Valley are used to  provide students with a “hands-on, first hand experience” in learning their curriculum. 

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

School Supplies - Information on school supplies and a list that can be downloaded and printed for your child's grade level can be found here.

Bussing – All students who wish to take the bus to schools in Chilliwack MUST register with our transportation department. For information on bussing click on the link here or call the transportation department at 604 792 – 1255.

Bell Schedule 2022 - 23 – This year our school has a new bell schedule which is as follows:

  • 7:54 a.m.                         Warning Bell
  • 7:59 a.m                          School Starts
  • 10:15 – 10:30 a.m.           Recess
  • 11:50 – 12:35p.m.            LUNCH 
  • 1:57 p.m.                         Dismissal

ATTENDANCE MATTERS!!! – We strongly believe, encourage and reward students who are on time and at school on a regular basis !! While we understand that children may be absent from time to time we would ask that you contact us and let us know on these occasions.

Calendar & Upcoming Events – The calendar on this website is a “live” calendar meaning it is updated as soon as we are aware of an event or a change in an event. Keeping checking this calendar for information as well as the Upcoming Events section on the first page of this website for information. Important dates and information will also be published in our monthly newsletters.​