At Cultus Lake Swílhcha Community School we are deeply connected to the nature that surrounds us.  Learning in nature helps us to self-regulate, build social skills, extend our creative and problem-solving skills but most of all, it builds confidence, perseverance and resilience. Woven into everything we do are our district values: inclusion, equity, collaboration, innovation, kindness

  • Before and After School Care (age 5 – 10)

  • Daycare (age 3-5)

  • Strong Start (birth to 5 – parent participation)

  • Daily after school programs

  • opportunities to grow their knowledge and skills (indoors and outdoors)

  • social interactions

  • connecting with our elders and our environment

  • leadership opportunities


Bussing – All students who wish to take the bus to schools in Chilliwack MUST register with our transportation department. For information on bussing click on the link here or call the transportation department at 604 792 – 1255.

ATTENDANCE MATTERS!!! – We strongly believe, encourage and reward students who are on time and at school on a regular basis !! While we understand that children may be absent from time to time we would ask that you contact us and let us know on these occasions.

Calendar & Upcoming Events – The calendar on this website is a “live” calendar meaning it is updated as soon as we are aware of an event or a change in an event. Keeping checking this calendar for information as well as the Upcoming Events section on the first page of this website for information. Important dates and… more

Assessment & Evaluation Day - No School
Hot Lunch - Wraps
OSOB Wrap Up
CLCSA Board Meeting (8:30am)
Jump Rope for Heart
Non-Instructional Day - No School